Had a blast today. This is only my second time I have used the socks, but today I had a proper play about. Up hills, down hills, sideways on hills. Towing people, pushing people… you get the idea.
Easier to put on that you would think, as they kind of… self configure, so because clearance is minimal, at first you think they may come off, as you can’t make them fit snuggly, but crawl around slowly and they get nicely aligned quicker than you might think.
Taking them off is a cinch, just pull off and much as you can and roll forward (or backward) a foot or two.
I shredded my nearside one later on in the day, due to curbing my wheel in a little drift. A snow drift, that is! Limped home ok with just one, though.
I have enough respect for these little wonders of technology now to ensure I never leave home without them.
I have a video here, this road was blocked off at the far end, as it is a very steep residential road, and people can get into difficulties turning down it. As you can see, I cruised up with no issues.
Have Socks, will travel 🙂
- Weisssocks Snow Socks on an Octavia vRS
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